Wednesday, August 12, 2015

There's been an awakening.

The next chapter in the Star Wars saga is nearly 3 months from release. And I, for one, am excited beyond comprehension. 

For me this movie means a lot. I've grown up with this franchise since I was 6. In 2005, revenge of the sith was released, and we all thought that would be the end. But in 2012, George Lucas sold his company to disney. And with that sale, disney announced a new trilogy of films

Now fast forward 3 years. Fans are preparing them self's for one of the biggest film releases in the history of cinema. Already the movie is expected to take in nearly 2 billion dollars in the box office, and that's not counting merchandise. 

The force awakens has been my #1 movie that I'm most excited for since it's announcement.  I can't wait to sit in a theater and hear the famous opening theme once again.

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